by Brangwen | Feb 27, 2012 | Blog, Guild News, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
It has been some time since our last post here. Since then we have had some crazy changes within the guild, and while we were ironing those out, our WoW blog posts were a bit stagnant. As you can probably see, SW:TOR has kicked into full swing, and this caused a bit of internal updating, shuffling, and general kerfuffle as people figured out what their “main” game was. Some went to SW:TOR (including all the old WoW officers) and some stuck around with the long tail WoW has. But all of us stayed with Southern Wardens – in fact, Southern Wardens has grown as a community! Officer Shakeup Southern Wardens in WoW is being run by a mostly new group of officers. These officers are: Guildmaster Benalis Raidleader Catseyes PvP organiser Phyllixia Officer who didn’t step back fast enough Brangwen Old guard representative Tiggralisa The previous WoW officership (of many many years) have mostly moved fulltime to SWTOR. A half of them are now what we are calling Southern Wardens Community Officers (as well as SW:TOR officers) and some have hung up their officering boots altogether. Once the dust settles, I am sure we will sort out the website to reflect all this change in a greater capacity than it does right now. We really are still a guild work in progress. 10man Raiding Progress SW currently have a tight knit raiding team. Given the shakeup of SW:TOR and the proximity to Christmas, 4.3 content was not really started by our raiding team until mid January, an unprecedented almost month and a half after the content was released....
by Siha | Feb 27, 2012 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
We missed our first raid of the week thanks to a rescheduled downtime, and began last night eager to make up for lost time. The first four bosses dropped like ninepins, and we started the last hour of the raid in the zone and ready to kick Soa’s face in. After a few learning wipes, to show the encounter to people who hadn’t seen him previously, we pulled it all together on the last attempt of the night with flawless execution from the entire team, and downed Soa with a clean kill that was never in doubt. Big thanks to all involved for their great...
by Siha | Feb 14, 2012 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
Following Sunday’s fun with XRR-3 and Gharj, last night we carried on where we left off. After a trial pull to show fight to the newcomers, we spent a while polishing our DPS before finally killing him in the smoothest fight of the night. Next was the Ancient Pylons “boss”, which is really something of a loot pinata. Bonus entertainment value from Elorael getting stuck in the loot chest. (Elorael is the nudist on the right with an itchy trigger finger for the XS Freighter Flyby.) And after that, the Infernal Council… one learning wipe to discover the mechanics, and we killed them on the second pull. One minor obstacle: we’d paid too much attention to the enemies’ names and not enough to their health, and accidentally assigned a healer to take out one of the targets with the most health. A few anxious moments but Aisha came through with some fine DPS! Something tells me we have too many Consulars… By this stage we were getting a trifle sick of kill shots that just featured loot chests, so we decided to go and kill Soa to round out the night. Unfortunately we only had time for about three attempts, but we got him to less than 30% on the last two attempts, so his days are most definitely...
by Siha | Feb 13, 2012 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
With enough people at level cap, it’s time to dust off our raid rosters and pull out the loot tables – that’s right, it’s Ops time. The last two months have been a welcome break from endgame play for many of us, but we’ve been itching to see what’s inside SWTOR’s Operations, and tonight was the night. Our progress – at least to begin with – probably won’t be as fast as some other guilds, as we’re enjoying this opportunity to steer clear of strats, guides and databases and experience the content fresh and spoiler-free. Which means we’re working every boss’s mechanics out from scratch. It takes a little longer, but it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to do things this way, and I know I wasn’t the only one who found it a lot of fun. Death to Annihilation Droid XRR-3, and death to his stupid turrets! We nearly finished Gharj off, too, but were foiled either by bugs or the randomest of RNGs – but we plan to punch his ticket tomorrow...
by Siha | Dec 20, 2011 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
It will come as no surprise to learn that we’ve all been happily levelling away in SWTOR for the last few days – well, those of us with preorders, anyway. Although we’ll definitely be focusing hard on operations and endgame content when we get there, for now most of us are happy taking our time and enjoying the vast world Bioware has offered us. Which meant that tonight, we had plenty of people in the right level range to go pay a visit to SD-0, the Heroic World Boss who hangs out in Coruscant’s Old Galactic Market terrorising unobservant players. Off we traipsed… …and down he went, leaving us with some shiny Artifact gear mods, a satisfied feeling, and that good old raiding buzz. Thanks to all who came along, to Maximonious for prompting the adventure, and to Kristakis for frapsing the whole...
by Siha | Dec 13, 2011 | Blog, Guild News, Star Wars: The Old Republic
If you’re looking to join Southern Wardens, and you didn’t sign up with us in the Pre-Launch Guild HQ program, you can find us on The Harbinger. It’s a US-West PvE server, and is one of the two servers selected by the Oceanic community to be our home in SWTOR. See you...