With enough people at level cap, it’s time to dust off our raid rosters and pull out the loot tables – that’s right, it’s Ops time. The last two months have been a welcome break from endgame play for many of us, but we’ve been itching to see what’s inside SWTOR’s Operations, and tonight was the night.
Our progress – at least to begin with – probably won’t be as fast as some other guilds, as we’re enjoying this opportunity to steer clear of strats, guides and databases and experience the content fresh and spoiler-free. Which means we’re working every boss’s mechanics out from scratch. It takes a little longer, but it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to do things this way, and I know I wasn’t the only one who found it a lot of fun.

Death to Annihilation Droid XRR-3, and death to his stupid turrets! We nearly finished Gharj off, too, but were foiled either by bugs or the randomest of RNGs – but we plan to punch his ticket tomorrow night.