by Siha | Mar 13, 2012 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
Despite the lack of a progression post last week, we did make progress, in the form of our first kill of Foreman Crusher. We consolidated that this week with a smooth and super-fast Eternity Vault clear on Wednesday – all bosses down in about 90 minutes, which was gratifying – and took some new people in to experience the fun of Karagga’s Palace. We cleared up to and including Foreman Crusher on Sunday night, leaving Monday night as our nominated Heavy Fabricator Clobbering Time. He spent a fair bit of it clobbering us, but eventually he got with the program and obligingly died at our feet. Emboldened by our success, we promptly wiped on trash, true to the Southern Wardens spirit as always. Undaunted, we rallied and went on to see Karagga himself, he of the funny hat and WTF GIANT ROBOT CHAIR. Hutts have all the coolest toys. We spent a couple of attempts trying out different strategies – this ‘coming to new bosses blind’ thing is timeconsuming, but very satisfying – before eventually killing Karagga on the last attempt of the night. Congrats to everybody who’s worked hard over the last few weeks; a few more kills and we’ll have normal mode of all current content comfortably on farm. Up next: hard modes! (This post is lacking screenshots as your humble correspondent’s gaming PC has just died, taking with it my screenshots directory. I’ll post them as soon as it’s back from the shop.) Edit: And now, with...
by Brangwen | Mar 8, 2012 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Last night, we had a few cracks at heroic Morchok – and we did improve. We didn’t start attempts till about 9pm, and we finished up at 930 to make sure we got the rest of DS finished. There was visible improvement over the 4 or so attempts we had. We have the basic strat sorted, we just need to figure out what we need to do as a team to execute the strat correctly. We then went back to normal and laid some smack down on everyone. We one shot our way to Madness. Yes, you heard me, we one shot the entire instance in 2 hours. That, my friends, is progression. Deathchin will lose his chin again next raid (either Sunday or Monday) and our spare time will be spent having fun in retro...
by Brangwen | Mar 5, 2012 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
STOP PRESS!!! News just in from Azeroth – Deathchin has been defeated, the cataclysm averted and Aggra and Thrall are as sickening as ever. Also, Brangwen now has the opportunity to hit on Kalecgos and this makes her immeasurably happy. More news as it comes to...
by Siha | Mar 4, 2012 | Blog, Guild News, Recruitment, Star Wars: The Old Republic
With the advent of Asia Pacific servers and the launch of SWTOR in Australia, NZ, Singapore and Hong Kong, we’re busy making plans to transfer to our new Oceanic home – Dalborra, the first Asia Pacific PvE server. For now, we’ll be continuing to play on The Harbinger, since that’s where our endgame characters currently are. Once server transfers open in late April, we’ll be transferring our Republic guild to Dalborra lock, stock and barrel. We’re currently open for new members on both The Harbinger and Dalborra — if your character was created before February 28th and you plan to transfer, please come and join us on The Harbinger. Otherwise, we invite you to roll new characters with us on Dalborra in preparation for the rest of the guild’s arrival. If you’re not already a Southern Wardens member, please feel free to check out our forums and post a membership application & introduction...
by Siha | Feb 28, 2012 | Blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, SWTOR Progression
With EV clear, last night we went to visit Karagga in his Palace on Hutta – not what you’d call the prettiest of destinations. First up was Bonecrusher, who took a few attempts to work the kinks out of before dying in a very clean kill. Then we moved deeper into Karagga’s Palace until we came across Jarg and Sorno, a pair of bounty hunters with great dialogue and a bad attitude. Naturally, we couldn’t leave them alive. We started working towards the next boss, Foreman Crusher, but were stymied by the leagues of trash between us and our goal. Out of time for the night, we called it, but we’re definitely looking forward to getting back in there to encounter him. We’re moving through the Normal difficulty level of operations content a little slower than some other raiding guilds, which is a deliberate choice — we’ve taken the opportunity of a fresh start in SWTOR to approach the raid content fresh as well. Rather than pre-learning the fights, reading strats, watching vids and asking others for advice, we’re going in blind and experimenting. It’s a very refreshing way to raid, especially for those of us with years of raiding under our belts in other games, and it’s certainly not stopping us killing...
by Brangwen | Feb 28, 2012 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
A great run last night saw us tearing all three backplates off Deathchin as he was rolling around trying to shake us off. But we were not to be defeated! Our intrepid raidleader Cats insisted we could manage this without Heroism, and he was right. The kill attempt was smooth as butter, and everyone was slightly annoyed at Thrall for dumping Deathchin in the Maelstrom. Weren’t we trying to STOP him going there? Oh well, never mind. Now we just have to give the Mad Bugger one last smackdown, and we will have cleared 4.3 normal content and ready to start heroics....