Conflict Resolution

Well, after a month of frustration caused by raid breaks, bugs, patches, bugs, numbers attrition, bugs, and all the other occasional slow patches that affect a raiding guild, this week’s work in Explosive Conflict was nothing short of excellent. Monday saw a 3% wipe on Kephess and substantial improvement in our execution on the other three bosses, and the team was eager for tonight. After a nice smooth run through the first three bosses, we spent an hour working on Kephess before downing him on – as is traditional – the official Last Attempt Of The Night. It was an excellent conclusion to a fun raid and a fun raid zone, and a very satisfying win. Thankyou to everyone for their persistence and hard work. We’re also currently recruiting – we’re in particular need of: 1 healer 2-3 DPS (preferably ranged) possibly 1 tank We’d prefer recruits in Columi-ish gear at least, but we’re willing to make exceptions. Our priorities at this stage are smoothing out execution in Explosive Conflict, and progressing in Hard Mode EC. If you’re interested in joining us, please drop us a line on our recruitment forum. If you play in Aussie peak times and you’re on Dalborra, why not look us up? We’re friendly, and don’t...

Dead: Firebrand & Stormcaller; Colonel Vorgoth

This post is overdue by two or three weeks, whoops! So after our glorious defeat of Zorn, Toth, and their incredibly annoying cheerleader Murdok, we moved deeper into Denova, through mountains of trash (seriously, find me a gamer that enjoys a half-hour trash clear between bosses, go on, try) before encountering Firebrand and Stormcaller, the pair of battletanks. Beating the tanks took us longer than many bosses, because they’re a mechanically complex fight with a lot to account for, and we’re still sticking with our no-spoilers approach to operations. That said, after testing various mechanics, refining our strat and perfecting our execution, the tanks died — that is, the battletanks died, not our tanks (although they died plenty too, I can tell you!). After that we moved on through the trenches of Instant Sniper Death to the next boss, Colonel Vorgoth. Let’s face it, everyone loves Minesweeper, right? Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the kill shot yet, since I wasn’t in that night’s raid, but you can rest assured he died a glorious death. Next on the agenda for us: Consolidate our progress on EC normal mode Defeat the as-yet-unseen Kephess Start on EC Hard Mode Expand to 16-mans With that in mind, it’s time to mention that we’re recruiting again. We’re looking for people in all roles to expand our team to 16-mans. If you play in Aussie peak times and you’re on Dalborra, why not look us up? We’re friendly, and don’t bite! And the last piece of news for the week: we’d like to welcome a new SWTOR officer, Kristakiss, to the fold. Please...

Fangs of the Father!

After much work by the Guild, and especially by Swen, out favourite little Gnome Rogue has now gotten himself the Legendary Fangs of the Father twin daggers. Congratulations...

Heroic Yor’sahj is a bubbly mess

Last week was quite a good week for SW in WoW. Last wednesday saw us spend the night learning heroic Yor’sahj.  We refined our cominations, figured out what was healable for us and what wasn’t.  Cats duly noted and changed around his cheat sheet as we made comments and were thrown combinations. Sunday saw Firelands farmed, but I wasn’t there so I cant comment too much on that. However Monday was triumphant.  We started on Heroic Yor’sahj.  Cats had a time limit in mind of 40 minutes from first pull.  Fortunately, his idea of 40 minutes is more like 1 hour 20 mins according to some.  We had a different team to Wednesday, and your truly had to step up and learn the fight as a healer, as opposed to a DPS.  So, there were 3-4 attempts wasted as I figured out where my sweet spot was.  One other thing we found helped out of sight was Cats as DPS going bear and taking the boss blowing his CDs during deep corruption, to save the healers blowing up the tank/letting the tank die due to too many stacks.  This suddenly made the fight seem FIRMLY in our grasp and not too many attempts later, Yor’sahj went down for the count.  There was a great cheer and feeling of satisfaction claimed by many raiders.  Well done guys. 3/8 heroic! We then moved on to clear out Dragon Soul for our second great achievement of the night – Swen’s legendary daggers.  Heroic ultraxion was beyond us (with me learning to heal it and some unfortunate lag spikes causing button clicking fails),...

Heroic Ultraxion is DEADED!

I am very sorry I didn’t post this earlier (ie when it happened) but I have been so very ill recently, getting the time to write something or even raid this week has been interesting.  But, I am back now and hopefully will be able to post more interesting things in the near future.   Well, I read this and I find it interesting, even if no one else does.  Feel free to mock me any time in the comments! This 2 weeks ago update is from our benevolent dictator, Benalis, but I’m hoping one of the guys will write an update for me for this weeks raiding, that I completely missed and am now suffering withdrawals from.  IT’S OK! DON’T PANIC!!! Diablo III starts today! And I had SW:TOR to AFK in keep me company while I looked after my hyperattentive 8 month old. Right, so Sunday [5 May]… Firelands. We killed Beth, and then tried a number of attempts of Heroic Shannox. The important things of note for this encounter are that the dogs don’t stay dead (they get back up at full health 30 seconds after being “killed”), so it’s not worth doing any unnecessary damage on them. Each of the dogs builds up a buff that seriously increases their damage and the only way to drop it is to get them caught in crystal traps and hope it drops off in time. We tried half a dozen or so attempts and were improving (best was Shannox to 34% I believe), and then switched back to normal mode to ensure we cleared the place.  Killed everything up to and...