by Siha | May 23, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
Frawress victory! Our plan to divest Ragnaros of all his worldly goods finally came to fruition tonight in a climactic battle between the forces of us (40 potioned-up raiders spoiling for a fight) and them (Ragnaros and his assorted minions). It was a fast, clean fight; a few inevitable deaths, of course, but we had Rags down to 39% when the sons spawned, we survived the sons, and buckled down to exact revenge for the untimely demise of poor Majordomo Executus. Okay, yes, it’s not like he was a close friend – but we’ll take any excuse. Six hours of Molten Core, from our zone-opening last night to Rags’ final blows tonight, and the Firelord was well and truly depantsed. The depantsing continued, literally, when we opened him up for loot – congratulations to Holli on her Legplates of Wrath and Ushaia on the Leggings of Transcendence. Pubert got his long-awaited Cloak of the Shrouded Mists, while Sayyuntow scored a Spinal Reaper Rags just had lying around. Congrats and thanks to all the raid group; we’ve made great progress in MC in the last couple of months. Ten weeks from our first tentative trash-clearing with 20 raiders, to a six-hour complete clear of the zone. Now onwards and upwards to Blackwing Lair! On a personal note, I’d also like to thank Holli and Isra for their hard work as raid leaders. We couldn’t have done this without you – thankyou....
by Siha | May 13, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
Our progress in ZG has been a little slower than many of us would have liked, since we’ve been integrating an influx of players from Heaven’s Cataclysm and various new recruits. It looks like the awkward getting-to-know-you smalltalk is over, though, since tonight the Wardens pulled out all the stops together to turn Hakkar into a big feathery pile of dead. For the first time in a long time, we had a clean three-day run at the zone without any resets or significant server outages, and we duly took advantage of our good fortune to get the zone under control. The Aspects died on Friday night in a nice clean 2h 40m run, and we faced off against Hakkar for a good couple of tries at him. Unfortunately we lost too many raiders to the late hour, and came back Friday for another swipe at him. The experience proved invaluable, and we came back this evening with murder in our eyes. This was the result: a nice clean kill! Now we just have to improve our times; a three-hour clear is our goal, and now we’ve mastered Hakkar it’s definitely feasible. Congrats to Wildence on the Heart of Hakkar, Baros on Soul Corrupter’s Necklace and Allarielle on Bloodcaller. So, of the zones we’re currently raiding, that’s two end bosses dead. Ragnaros is the only one left standing, but he will bow to our might soon...
by Siha | May 5, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
Just not this week. Wednesday night saw a frawress clear of the Aspects in 2h 40m – a record for us, and a sure sign of our raid group developing as a coherent unit. And then it was off to Hakkar’s Island to wave our pokey sticks at the big feathered guy himself. Unfortunately, Proudmoore chose just that moment to restart! We regrouped after the reset and had two good tries at Hakkar, but they both ended like this: Look at all those lazy raiders, lying down on the job! Thursday was earmarked for “Get Our Revenge On Hakkar” day, but unfortunately Proudmoore chose not to cooperate – it went down for emergency maintenance an hour before our ZG run was supposed to start, and came back up literally five minutes before our ZG zone reset. Which will make Hakkar’s inevitable death that much...
by Siha | May 3, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
Originally posted by Simtr. Monday nights MC raid started off well, everyone was pumped ready to give Rags a good old thumping. Sulfuron, Golemagg and Majordomo all fell first up and we moved into have our first look at Ragnaros. First attempt with over half the raid never having seen Rags before was awesome, flat out dps and no pots netted us a 39% Rags @ first Sons spawn. Unfortunately the Sons pwned us in the face :) We reloaded, tried some different positioning, RL’ing Guru Isra continued with explaing the fight and new postions. This time we consumed FR pots for a better crack but could only manage around 50% Rags, Sons was a little bit better but still needs work. FR week has been announced and we will be revising our strat to get ready for this coming...
by Siha | May 1, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
It’s been a great week for Wardens raiding! After our successes in Zul’Gurub on Wednesday and Thursday, Friday night saw us back in ZG teaching Arlokk how to eat dirt. Ain’t no oversized housecat gonna make the Southern Wardens into pussies! An eventful raid and a new strategy saw Arlokk dying to a DoT after all the raiders had already died. Flawless Wardens work, as usual, and that means next week we’ll be taking a look at Hakkar himself. Flush with the success of our raids this week, we traipsed into Ony’s lair to give her a good, stern talking to. This was only our second Onyxia raid, and I’m proud as anything to report that on our second try we taught Onyxia how to die. Next stop Nefarian – who’s with me?! We downed her in flawless Southern Wardens style – which is to say, all the mages were dead and the main tank was barely held together with baling wire and bandaids. Verlyna got her [item]Quel’Serrar[/item] forged, and cries of “Not more hunter loot, someone fire the Master Looter!” resounded through raidchat as our lucky hunters found that Ony had dropped not one but two [item]Dragonstalker’s Helm[/item]. And a [item]Deathbringer[/item] for Verlyna, who will need to grow some extra arms to wield all these new weapons. Congrats also to Vikos on the Sinew required for his epic bow quest – remember, laddy, we want to see you wielding a bow that’s taller than you are. Naturally, we couldn’t stop there, so it was on to Molten Core and a satisfyingly clean six-boss run. Five hours of raiding...
by Siha | Apr 29, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
Originally posted by Torkya. With a little help from our friends at UF and HC, Southern Wardens continued the relentless push into the Molten Core. Night one saw Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr and Baron Geddon all get the slapping they richly needed. Not a bad night. Lots of nice paladin, druid and warlock gear drops as well as some nice stuff for tanks. No speed records were set on the night but solid straightforward ass-kickin was delivered. This was the first night we had attempted to move past Gehennas and was a big test. With good planning and excellent execution we managed to not only down all five bosses on the night on our first attempts, we also finished the night without at wipe. Night two saw us return to Molten Core intent on slapping around Shazzrah, Golemagg and Sulfuron. Fighting our way in from the ZI was a tactical decision to try and get us more chances at BoE items and crafting materials. A good plan as it turned out. We worked our way back in, and proceeded to slap down Sulfuron in textbook fashion. Actually I think I saw Verlyna using a textbook at one one stage. On to Golemagg where again we engaged in a perfect slaying. We then headed back to Shazz. Yeah I know, usually you do Shazz on the way to Sulf and Gole … we felt like something different. Shazz was interesting. No wipes and a nice clean kill. But the prelude was a blast. We had repops between us and Shazz. No matter, we dealt with them and moved it on...