The 1% That Lasts Forever

After last night’s almost-success, we were raring to finally get past the Vael-sized roadblock into BWL farming and phat loot for all. Our MC plans for tonight were put on hold and instead we ventured back to Nef’s crib to lay some Southern Wardens smack down on Vaelastrasz. Pwnt. Two attempts got him to 8% each time and then it was third time lucky as the mighty dragon bit the dust. (Your humble author got a delightful worms-eye-view of the whole proceedings, having been the first to cop Burning Adrenaline. Again. Clearly Vael has something against pallies.) Congrats to Dahlinas on his Dragonstalker’s Belt, Nasherial on Belt of Transcendence and Rollergirly for Mind Quickening Gem. Now we’re off to face the dragon packs. Ave Caesar, we who are about to die salute...

FU Vaelastrasz

Originally posted by Simtr. 1%! You’re going down tonight no worries. Eventful night last night in BWL, Razor went down nice and smoothly and we had about 13 shots on Vael getting into a consistant 3-2-4-1-3-6% rhythm. Losing a couple of DPS classes with an hour to go didn’t help our cause and I’m sure fully stocked raid tonight will take him down no worries. Huge thanks to our heal team, was a really top effort tonight guys & girls. We got our first Elementium Ore last night, well done guys! Loot from Razorgore was Spineshatter to yours truly, Causes got his hands on a pair of Judgement Bindings and Drewjude a pair of...

Another week, another new boss!

Originally posted by Simtr. Well done guys, last night in Zul’Gurub we got to experience the feeling of another guild first kill. With Swen leading us into the Edge of Madness we were able to meet and de-blade Renataki of the Thousand Blades. Now we know how to best handle the trash for EoM with a couple of ‘locks we’ll be sure to get back there again. We’re going to be aiming for a full clear of all ZG bosses in our 4 hour raid time limit. If we can smooth our Hakkar kill a bit and move nice and fast like we did last night we should do this easily. The only bosses that are not yet on farm are the other EoM bosses. So it’s just a matter of speeding up in certain areas and getting the job done. Was good to get in some more tanking practice in with swapping tank agro ready to take down Vaelastrasz on Sunday (well thats if lag and major Aussie ISP’s can keep their end of the...

Moam Dead!

Originally posted by Simtr. Woot, another instance another first kill. Frawless Kurri take down, Lieut General died on Rajaxx encounter – but we stuck with it and downed him. Was good to give our resident Yogi, Reshiko a chance to do some bear tanking tonight and it worked really well. Buru took us a few goes while we adapted all over again to the strat, but it was only ever a matter of time and a few extra repair bills :) Isra lead us over to Moam, we got to clear some new Eygptian trash mobs. It was quickly realised after the first attempt on Moam that all out pwn dps was not going to get us through and the second and third attempts we backed up with mana drain from our ‘locks and priests. Was getting close to 11pm after the third attempt, we lost a raider or two due to that dreaded wife faction – but we knuckled down, pulled in another priest (thanks Alla!) and dropped Moam. Unfortunately, after we dropped him we still had the 3 crazy elementals to kill….. We managed to get out of it with some awesome rebanishing from our ‘lock team, some uber healing from our only alive healer Wellard and some nice dps from the other 5-6 members left standing hehe. Well done guys, great to see a brand new boss for the first time and take him...

Green Eggs and Lag

Originally posted by Simtr. It’s all about the eggs as Southern Wardens take on Razorgore. Eolhelyanwe got some egg fever and in a very leeroy-esque display, got a bit too close to the Fat Controller at the start and wiped us in a few minutes flat :P Best attempt of the night goes to our uberWarlock tank Bellzebub. Who had one angry Razorgore chasing him around the room when we busted out with a phase 2, no more eggs attempt. Unfortunately he was the only person left standing after we lost around 20 people in the last 2-3 eggs. The night was also marred by lots and lots of lag…we weren’t able to try an alternate strat due to one of our MT’s getting disconnected every 5 mins, various others spent the night bouncing in and out of egg-land, wrestling with video settings to try and get some extra BWL fps. We’ll be refining our strat until we find that magical SW click, this Monday I’m expecting another series of very strong attempts. I’m really enjoying the fight and cant wait to get solidly into phase 2, Razorgore we’re coming to egg you! In other news we have MC down to a full clear in under 4 hours, so we’ll be racing the clock and having some fun as we refine it even more. I think we only had the one wipe on Luci (!) as Holli pulled the first Corehound pack while Luci and buddies were too close :P. Rags is now our gimp, he went down first go and Sons control was awesome. Well done guys, keep on smashing...