by Siha | Sep 18, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Originally posted by Simtr. AQ20 has been a side project while we focus on BWL with our casual raid style, so it was fantastic to finally drop a new boss on Friday night, Ossirian the Unscarred. Took us about 4-5 wipes I think to finally get it all down and I’d have to say, was probably one of the more fun fights I’ve been involved with. Great for team work and moving around as a group. So that now only leaves us with one boss in AQ20 that we haven’t killed. A lot of raiders are working on NR gear so we can give Ayamiss the Hunter a good run for his money and get this zone teabagged, SW...
by Siha | Sep 15, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Originally posted by Simtr. Following on from an incredible week in BWL (Hi, Chromie 3%, 5% and 11% on Timelapse first ever attempts) the raid force from Southern Wardens laid absolute waste to MC. Full clear in a guild record 3 hours and 15 minutes! Having 45 mins up our sleeves, it was decided to go along and pwn up some BWL with the fresh instance. Razorgore was despatched smoothely with Holli breaking all the eggs for the first time. Not being a guild to call it quits, we decided to reload and have a shot at Vael. Sadly, 2% was as far as we got being a few people short. But this still gives us an extra 30-40mins of BWL time this weekend. We should be taking our first shots at Nef on Monday night, looking forward to...
by Siha | Sep 12, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Originally posted by Alla. In their continuing efforts to abate global warming trends, Southern Wardens has slain Ebonroc and Flamegor. Squaring off against the annoying Time-lapse breath of Chromaggus, three attempts landed near victories (less than 10% health remaining) against the mutant puppy from hell. Go pies! In other news – Nefarian is LF39 more to raid the Wardens on their next attempt....
by Siha | Sep 7, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft
Originally posted by Alla. Citing numerous health-code violations, Stormwind city officials have found that Pubert’s [Modified Worg Carrier] is no longer fit for habitation. GM Wocca has declared this as a priority second only to raiding progress and is currently seeking governmental grants toward the research & development of a new carrier for the gnome. Priestess Azuremoon commented, “I dont understand. We feed him a stack of [Dried King Bolete] every day, but I feel like I am cleaning up much more than that. I just can’t keep up – it’s Alla’s turn to clean up today!” Guild engineers are divided regarding the creation of a new litterbox for the guild-gnome/pet with a dental fetish. Proposals are either to blow it up or to teleport fresh, steamy piles to another dimension. Chief Engineer Ror said, “We don’t know what to do with all this stuff. I only make repair bots. We tried to vend it to the bots with explosive consequences. …oh! Fused wiring.” Donations are being accepted to ensure a happy and well-fed Pubert for future forays into Blackwing...
by Siha | Sep 6, 2006 | Blog, Guild News, World of Warcraft
Originally posted by Simtr. We’re looking to recruit a few extra, mad keen raiders. We currently have spots for a mage, warlock, priest and druids in our 40 man raid force. Some things you’ll need : 75% attendance on all of our 3 x 40 man raid nights. At least 100FR unbuffed. Keyed to Onyxia, MC and BWL 0% tard factor Equipped with decent gear for raiding BWL, we’re pushing through it fast – so make sure you’re tier 1/zg/aq geared ready to go. You must know how to play your class well, we will monitor DPS, healing etc for the relavant classes. You will be tested when trialling to make sure you’re suitable for SW and SW is suitable for you. Current raid roster is (AEST) : Sunday 5:30pm Onyxia Sunday 7pm – 11pm BWL Monday 7pm – 11pm BWL Thursday 7pm – 11pm MC (Full clear) We’re a fairly laid back Aussie guild, who prides ourselves on skill. We only raid 40 man content 3 times a week, so make sure you bring your A game. Please post applications in our recruitment forum...
by Siha | Aug 15, 2006 | Blog, WoW Progression
originally posted by Simtr and whip Broodlord Lashlayer we did… Our first real night of solid attempts on him, he went down on the fourth try. Big credit goes again to the healer tea for this fight you guys did a fantastic job to adapt and swing changes to keep the tanks up. I think we only had the two deaths on the kill. Awesome work by Verlyna and Holli pulling the supression room and a huge thanks to the rogue team, who go sight unseen and do a well coordinated job on all the supression traps. Night ended with a typical Warden-like move, where Firemaw was pulled accidently by a couple of nameless tanks :P But, we’ll be back next week to add Firemaws corpse to our growing list of Blackwing Lair...