by Siha | Jul 20, 2007 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Last week was a happy and productive one for both our Karazhan teams. Team 2 built on the previous week’s progress to achieve their first Curator kill, and followed that up by kicking Medivh’s ass at Chess and saying hi to Aran before the raid ended. Meanwhile, Team 1 consolidated their past successes and made further progress on Aran, so both teams are now staring down the barrel of Flame Wreath, Blizzard, Arcane Explosion, elementals, potions, and… wait, remind me why we’re so keen to do Aran again?! Meanwhile, we’re making ready to take our first steps into 25-man raiding; four Wardens were guests with SPQR in Gruul’s Lair on Saturday (and congrats to SPQR on their first Maulgar kill!), and we’re keen to see what SW can do there too. More news as it comes to...
by Siha | Jul 16, 2007 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Well, it’s been a busy few weeks for the Wardens in Karazhan. Now we’ve got our team lineups relatively stable, it’s a matter of ‘best foot forward’ – and we’ve certainly been doing that! The two biggest highlights of late: Curator Down! Two weeks ago, Team 1 successfully one-shot Curator to send the big grumpy robot tumbling down, and merrily triumphed at Chess against Medivh (the dirty cheater!). Next stop is Shade of Aran, who was looking very unhealthy last week on a sickly-looking 39%. Clearly his death is imminent! Team 2 Finally Sees A Different Opera Event! That’s right – after weeks in Karazhan, Team 2 had seen nothing but the Wizard of Oz, and was starting to believe that Big Bad Wolf and Romulo & Julianne was nothing but a sick hoax perpetrated by Team 1. Finally, last night, Team 2 met Romulo & Julianne on the field of battle – well, the Opera House stage, anyway – and the star-crossed lovers fell before...
by Siha | May 28, 2007 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Clearly the gods of Karazhan had it in for us; two weeks in a row, we’ve stumbled wearily into the Opera house only to find the denizens of Oz waiting for us – Strawman, Tinhead, Roar, Dorothee and her little dog too. Tonight was the first time we got the chance for more than an exploratory wipe, and on our third attempt we cleaned up the Crone and her minions in a very satisfying, clean and tidy fight. And now it’s onwards to Curator! Our progression may be a little slower for the next few weeks while we consolidate the advances into both teams – a necessary evil as we look towards 25-man raiding as soon as possible – but this is a great foundation to move forwards. Now, if only we can lose some of the...
by Siha | May 22, 2007 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
John Milton wrote that – or something like it – in Paradise Lost, and that’s what we did tonight. Despite the oh-so-solicitous concern of the Maiden of Virtue for our moral rectitude, we set out to divest her of all her worldly goods. We’d been working on Maiden for a few nights now and had been delayed by disconnects, lag, cancelled raids, bad luck with respawns, locusts – and of course the Maiden’s own nasty habit of killing the hell out of us. Vanquished! Next stop: Opera event, and then...
by Siha | May 13, 2007 | Blog, Guild News, Site News, World of Warcraft
So, here we are, nearly halfway through 2007, and communication’s been a bit lacking lately! Things should improve from here; watch this space for regular guild news and updates. The site is now fully up-to-date, incorporating all the entries from previous content management systems, although unfortunately we lost all the comments in the migration. Again. (Edit: Parts of the site, such as the left sidebar, do not render properly in IE7. Apart from suggesting that you get a real, standards-compliant browser, I can only apologise; it will be fixed as soon as possible.) What are we up to? We took a break from our raiding schedule with the release of the Burning Crusade expansion. We lost some of our oldest members, who are now mostly playing Horde-side, and we all enjoyed a break from the stresses of raiding. However, you can’t keep us out of trouble for long – we’ve just started our first Kara runs, currently running two teams. Current progression: Attumen on farm, Moroes down, and we’ve made some good attempts on Maiden of Virtue. Recruitment-wise, we’re still waiting to see how our regular raider core shapes up before taking on new members, although we’re always open to family and close friends of current members. We will almost certainly be looking for new members as we move towards 25-mans, though, so if you’re interested in joining us for raiding, do get in...