Only one boss in the way to Hakkar

Originally posted by Simtr. Some awesome Zul’Gurub progress this week saw us take down Snake, Bat and Bloodlord (Whoa, talk about one heck of a fight!) on Wednesday then back it up Thursday night with Spider (1st go, one or two deaths I think!), Tiger (Second go) and some solid attempts for the first time on Panther boss. I think we have our strat for Panther pretty down now and we were only missing two dps classes for the last attempt where we got him to 8%. He will go down next week for sure and we’ll be seeing Hakkar for the first time as a guild! For lewts, Marshalrex got Warblade of the Hakkari and Verlyna finally got the Primal Hakkari Kossack for her...

Majordomo Executus submits to the might of SW

Originally posted by Simtr. Fast moving start to our Monday night MC raid had us dropping Shazzrah first go even with noob tank Wocca trying to hold agro. A slight set back with some uncharacteristic wipes on Sulfuron then dropping Golemagg first shot had us setup for our third attempt at Majordomo Executus. Isra bought the raid to a silence (without any teabagging) while he laid out the carefully planned strat, flares were used to mark out off-tank locations before we put out the last rune to summon Majordomo Executus and his 8 minions. The last few attempts we’d had didn’t end very well, usually time beat us and patience wore thin, this time there was a quiet certaintly about the job we all had to do. Mages were paused on their sheep buttons whilst dreaming of those lush New Zealand pastures, OT’s finished polishing their swords and all had their targets lined up ready to go. Isra made the call and Sayyun”Rambo”tow ran in to pester the Domo army then cheekily shield and run back to the raid. Team Hunter had their targets and pulled to the OT’s cleanly. Vikos the Virile pulled Majordomo to the green tank in Wocca who immediately found himself dancing on red hot coals in the pit of Majordomo’s fire. Climbing out and grabbing a heal from Eolhelyanwe and Wellard Wonker enabled him to pursue and taunt Majordomo back. The other part of the battle had Voluptuous Verlyna changing targets and focussing the attacks on the kill order, healers, elites all were dropped by her fierce mangina-like swordswomanship. As the targets dropped a confidence grew in the group until the battle haze wore off...

A Dog Day for the Wardens

Originally posted by Malwyn. Well our next MC venture was slightly less painless. Through sheer determination, an awesome stance-dancing tank and well-executed strategy, we brought Magmadar down like the dog he is. On our first attempt no less! I forget what the loot was (it was a while ago unfortunately) but with our first big hurdle in MC overcome, we moved on to Gehennas. And..well, dead. With Luci, Mags and Gehennas down, we now set our sites on Garr and beyond. Southern Wardens, alongside Unsorted Files and Heavens Cataclysm, are moving up in the...

Take That, Lucifron!

(Yes, this post is a trifle after the fact. I’ve been busy!) We’re officially a proper solo MC guild now, after our successful start last Sunday. A slight miscalculation (how could we forget about Sunday afternoon server queues?!) meant that our raid group trickled online in dribs and drabs. We cleared to Luci successfully and dropped him with a minimum of pain and suffering. We did see one wipe – probably inevitable given that we’re new to raiding MC as a guild – but we were determined to down Lucifron. And down him we did, on our second try! Congratulations to Azzure on shiny new Arcanist Boots and Unfalln on his Felheart Gloves. Unfortunately we lost too many healers at that point to take down the big doggy Magmadar, so we trotted off to ZG to pwn some more bosses there. We’ll be back in MC this weekend for some more Lucifron action, and this time we hope to be facing Magmadar and Gehennas as well! This is the start of great progress for SW as a guild, and we’re very excited about where we can go from here. (And don’t forget: limited recruitment is currently open! If you’d like to join us, check out our guild information and recruitment page for more...

In which we have to pay all our own repair bills.

It’s an exciting time in the Southern Wardens. We’ve just struck out on our own, after dissolving our 40-man raid alliance with another guild, and we’re ramping up to tackle Molten Core and Onyxia on our own. We kicked off this brave new world with a foray into MC on Monday night — completely unplanned, but we had way too many for Zul’Gurub, and if we refrained from doing stupid stuff on the spur of the moment, we’d hardly be the Southern Wardens, would we? No boss attempts for us, sadly; a number of the raiders were still saved to a prior instance with most of the early bosses down, and we thought we probably shouldn’t try to blood a new raid group on Golemagg. So we confined ourselves to clearing trash mobs and showing our newcomers how to get stomped by Molten Destroyers. A couple of stand-outs from the night: * congrats to Ror on Nightslayer Belt, our first piece of guild-only MC loot! * thanks to Sayyuntow for running a super-fast simultaneous attunement run in an attempt to get a few more of our guildies into the instance. Look for more fun and exciting news from the world of melty lava and big repair bills...

WoW Wallpapers

Originally posted by Pangur. Some desktops from our trip to Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj last night :), and the 61 elite dragon Emberstrife from Dustwallow Marsh. 1024×768 1152×864 1280×960 1600×1200 1024×768 1152×864 1280×960 1600×1200 1024×768 1152×864 1280×960...