Download: Burning Crusade Wallpapers – Nagrand

To make up for this place being so quiet lately, here’s a Burning Crusade wallpaper to make January come that little bit faster. Widescreen wallpaper (or the no-logo version for the worksafe). Regular wallpaper (or the no-logo version for the worksafe). (Buy a widescreen monitor! You won’t regret it.) This gorgeous bit of scenery is in Nagrand, taken from the heights of the Alliance city Telaar....


You may have noticed it’s been a bit quiet around here lately — that’s because I was lucky enough to score a beta invite, and I’ve been spending almost all my non-raid time exploring the wonders of Outland. I’ve been putting together some resources to help Burning Crusades players; you can find...

Burning Crusade Resources

The following are information resources for playing in The Burning Crusade; feedback is welcome. Annotated Map of Shattrath City by Siha. Shattrath is a neutral hub city in Terokkar Forest, and unfortunately it’s large and complex — but unlike Alliance and Horde cities, you can’t ask the guards for important locations. This map may help. Jewelcrafting Guide by Siha. What to stockpile, what to make; your questions answered. (Current version: 1.2.) Please note that this is currently only available in PDF format (you can download a free PDF reader from Adobe) because it’s being updated regularly and updating the large tables in HTML is a pain in the...

What’s got two wings, a tail, a bad attitude, and drops loot like a scaly pinata?

After a few more learning experiences on Nefarian last week, we came to BWL determined to make this week ‘third try’s the charm’. Armed with a new strategy, we warmed up our pew-pew and plink-plink (the hunter version of pew-pew) and got ready to give Nef the beating of his life. Did you know that wiping at 1% on Nefarian is really quite bad for the blood pressure? Next try we proved it was not a fluke, and replicated our efforts — right down to our MT disconnecting at the Phase 3 transition on both attempts and still managing to hold agro while offline. Now that’s tanking talent. Now we knew what expect, though, we carried it over the line and dropped Nef with a sweet, clean kill – no bodies on the ground except Nef’s, in fact! Congratulations to Causes on the Judgement chest, making him our first fully-T2-geared raider, and our MT Holli on the Wrath chest. Congrats also to Teh Isra on Mish’undare… just a pity some poor hunter felt obliged not to let loot from our first Nef kill be sharded, even if that meant taking Therazane’s Link. Wear it with pride, Nins, and pretend you’re a shaman! After we danced with glee for a while, we found ourselves with a few hours yet to kill — so it was off to AQ40 for our very first look into the place. New content is always fun, and AQ40 is very fresh and interesting after MC and BWL raids. Our best effort for the night was 45% on the Prophet Skeram, AQ40’s first poss, and hopefully...


What I Did In Azeroth on Monday, by Siha, aged level 60. First we went to see nice Mister Thunderaan in Silithus to ask him if he would please let our friend Wocca borrow his sword. He didn’t like that idea, and he got all angry at Wocca and hit him and Wocca fell over! Poor Wocca! We helped him get up again though and then Wocca went to tell Mister Thunderaan what he thought of his selfishness. Well! Wocca hit Mister Thunderaan so hard he fell over almost straight away! (Well, we all helped too. We thought he was so mean for not giving Wocca his sword, so we hit him and cast spells at him.) The trouble was, we couldn’t work out where he’d hidden his sword! We had to go find Mister Thunderaan twice more and knock him over again before Wocca found it behind the couch. So, congratulations Wocca on [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]! Now if Mister Thunderaan comes looking to take his sword back, you can hit him even...

There’s One More Draco-Puppy in Doggy Heaven Tonight

After last week’s unexpected success with Chromaggus we returned, primed for battle and full of determination and Hourglass Sand. (That stuff scratches.) Unfortunately Tasmania’s internet connection seemed to be on the fritz tonight – maybe someone was trying to run the toaster at the same time – so several of our most dedicated raiders were in and out more often than a hyperactive rabbit. Despite this, Chromaggus fell in the face of Wardens-style determination, grit, and animal...