High Warlord Naj’entus (still) dead!

Well, this is rather late news, but I’ve been sick so please forgive. A week and a half ago, Southern Wardens ventured back into Black Temple with a raid full of gentle, learned heroes bringing peace and happiness to the world — or, depending on who you ask, a crowd of yahoos with big sticks and an urge to beat up hapless naga. Dear old Naj’entus, he of the Impaling Spines and the Giant Water Bubble Of Doom, would probably call us the latter… if he weren’t too busy saying “ow, ow, it hurts, make it stop”. Our first kill was absolutely textbook — no deaths, and a clear minute ahead of the enrage timer. Excellent work by all concerned, and we’re looking forward to brutalizing — er, meeting — more of the inhabitants of Black Temple just as soon as our server can stop falling over in the middle of prime Aussie raiding...

Karathress and Rage down!

In the midst of all this new content, there’s still raid bosses left to kill. Last week we took a break for Easter, and gave everyone a well-earned rest… which meant Fathom Lord Karathress got a week’s stay of execution. No longer! We caught up with him this week on Sunday night, and killed him on the second attempt after discovering that yes, Spitfire Totems really do hurt as much as people say they do. Monday night saw us taking a peek into Mt Hyjal – our raid leader has a thing for Jaina Proudmoore and wanted the excuse to hang out with her. Unfortunately, as soon as he tried whispering sweet nothings to her, the undead attacked! Thankfully we held them off, along with their master – a rather cantankerous lich with bad fashion sense and a bad attitude. Here we are with his “corpse”… a sparkly lump. (Dead on the first try, too!) Another good week of progression for the Wardens, leaving us at 5/6 3/4 in Tier 5 and 1/5 0/9 in Tier 6. Fantastic work from all our raiders, and it’s great to be taking our first steps in Tier 6 instances. … And then we went to explore Sunwell Plateau, and got smashed in the face by giant robots. But that’s a story for another time! Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention we downed Jan’Alai for the first time this week, on a non-raid night. Thanks to Swen for organising the group; that puts us at 4/6 ZA. If only we had enough time to finish the place...

Recruitment Open!

Southern Wardens, an Australian/New Zealand PvE raiding guild, are looking to recruit the following: Healers: 1+ Warlocks: 1 We may also accept exceptional players from any other class. We are currently working on progressing through Tier 5 content. We’re currently at 4/6 SSC, 3/4 TK. See this guild blog for details of our recent kills. Our current raid schedule is: Wednesday: 7:30 – 10:30 AEST (8:30-11:30 AEDT; 01:30-04:30 server time) Thursday: currently free, may have new raids implemented in future Sunday: 7:00 – 10:30 AEST (8:00-11:30 AEDT; 01:00-04:30 server time) Monday: 7:00 – 10:30 AEST (8:00-11:30 AEDT; 01:00-04:30 server time) The official guild raids are currently aimed at 25-man raid zones; 10-mans are often organised on a semi-casual basis on weekends. We are a friendly guild with a raiding focus. In other words, we raid regularly but we like to have fun doing it. We are looking for dedicated raiders who are interested in progressing through 25-man content. Raiders are expected to attend 75% of our scheduled raids. Ideally we are interested in raiders who are fully Karazhan-geared, and supplemented by quality heroic/crafted gear. If you’re interested in joining us, please follow these simple steps: Read our membership policy and raid schedule. Register at our forums and send a PM to Siha to ask for posting access. (This is an anti-spam measure, unfortunately.) Post a message in the recruitment forum, using the template and other applications as a guide for the information we need to know, telling us a bit about you and anything you feel we should know. Contact Sailan or Alinden, or another of the officers in-game...

Another two bite the dust…

Two progression posts for the price of one! Last week it was Morogrim Tidewalker – first attempt saw him down to 24%, second attempt saw him dead. And this week it was Leotheras the Blind. Leo took a bit more work than some of the other Serpentshrine bosses, and we had some very near-successes in early attempts, but we finally pulled it all together last night to get him dead. That puts Southern Wardens at 4/6 SSC 3/4 TK. Not bad for less than two months’...