We’re back! Again again!

Our Battle for Azeroth raids have kicked off this week – we’re a little later in starting than we’d hoped, but real life kept getting in the way for a number of us, and we didn’t want to go in early without our core team. So here we are – one night into BfA raiding and we’re four bosses down in Uldir Normal.

Conflict Resolution

Well, after a month of frustration caused by raid breaks, bugs, patches, bugs, numbers attrition, bugs, and all the other occasional slow patches that affect a raiding guild, this week’s work in Explosive Conflict was nothing short of excellent. Monday saw a 3% wipe on Kephess and substantial improvement in our execution on the other three bosses, and the team was eager for tonight. After a nice smooth run through the first three bosses, we spent an hour working on Kephess before downing him on – as is traditional – the official Last Attempt Of The Night. It was an excellent conclusion to a fun raid and a fun raid zone, and a very satisfying win. Thankyou to everyone for their persistence and hard work. We’re also currently recruiting – we’re in particular need of: 1 healer 2-3 DPS (preferably ranged) possibly 1 tank We’d prefer recruits in Columi-ish gear at least, but we’re willing to make exceptions. Our priorities at this stage are smoothing out execution in Explosive Conflict, and progressing in Hard Mode EC. If you’re interested in joining us, please drop us a line on our recruitment forum. If you play in Aussie peak times and you’re on Dalborra, why not look us up? We’re friendly, and don’t...

Dead: Firebrand & Stormcaller; Colonel Vorgoth

This post is overdue by two or three weeks, whoops! So after our glorious defeat of Zorn, Toth, and their incredibly annoying cheerleader Murdok, we moved deeper into Denova, through mountains of trash (seriously, find me a gamer that enjoys a half-hour trash clear between bosses, go on, try) before encountering Firebrand and Stormcaller, the pair of battletanks. Beating the tanks took us longer than many bosses, because they’re a mechanically complex fight with a lot to account for, and we’re still sticking with our no-spoilers approach to operations. That said, after testing various mechanics, refining our strat and perfecting our execution, the tanks died — that is, the battletanks died, not our tanks (although they died plenty too, I can tell you!). After that we moved on through the trenches of Instant Sniper Death to the next boss, Colonel Vorgoth. Let’s face it, everyone loves Minesweeper, right? Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the kill shot yet, since I wasn’t in that night’s raid, but you can rest assured he died a glorious death. Next on the agenda for us: Consolidate our progress on EC normal mode Defeat the as-yet-unseen Kephess Start on EC Hard Mode Expand to 16-mans With that in mind, it’s time to mention that we’re recruiting again. We’re looking for people in all roles to expand our team to 16-mans. If you play in Aussie peak times and you’re on Dalborra, why not look us up? We’re friendly, and don’t bite! And the last piece of news for the week: we’d like to welcome a new SWTOR officer, Kristakiss, to the fold. Please...