Big Dead Fishy.

Why progress in one zone when you can progress in two? We took our first guild steps in Serpentshrine Cavern two weeks ago for a quick look-see after a Gruul’s Lair clear. Last week we got a couple of really good attempts in on the Lurker, and we consolidated all that last night with a decisive kill. Congrats to Vortron and Torqya on their new boots, and Byza on his new bracers. I’d also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new guild members. SPQR was a great guild and we were proud to be associated with it, and we’re happy to provide a new home for those ex-SPQR people who chose to come across and join us in Southern Wardens. Welcome aboard, guys – friendly abuse and teabags for all!...

Pedal to the metal – our pedals to his metal.

Last night, refreshed after our summer break from formal raiding, we faced Void Reaver in a battle to the death. Apparently, we do still remember which buttons do what! Great work from the whole raid team, and a fantastic start to 2008 raiding — and congrats to Swiftspring and Phyllixia, the first to pick up their Tier 5...

Recruitment Open!

Hello, potential guildies! We’re looking to recruit the following: 1x Druid (Feral Tank) 1x Hunter 1x Warlock Schedule We are currently working on progressing through 25-man content; Void Reaver is our current target, and we’ll be moving into SSC following that. Our current raid schedule is as follows: Wednesday and/or Thursday – 7:30- 9:00 AEST Sunday – 7:00 – 10:30 AEST Monday – 7:00 – 10:30 AEST … plus some additional ad hoc 10-man content as resets and numbers allow. About Us We are a friendly guild with a raiding focus. In other words, we raid regularly but we like to have fun doing it. We are looking for dedicated raiders who are interested in progressing through 25-man content. Read more of the pages on this site to get an idea about us! About You We’re looking for 1x Feral (bear) Druid, 1x Hunter, and 1x Warlock, with the following attributes: easy-going and helpful, able to deal with ‘mature’ guild-chat (we’re not obscene, but we are adults) enthusiastic about raiding and motivated to succeed, able to take direction and constructive criticism, self-motivated about gearing capable and competent, with good knowledge of your class and good performance in raid responsibilities able to make a minimum of 75% of our raids, preferably ~85% or more. geared in Kara-level gear or better What to Do If you’re interested in joining us, please read this forum thread and play...

Halazzi Down!

Just a quick post to note that last night Halazzi died to our blades, wands, hammers, arrows and other sharp/blunt/magical instruments of destruction. Great work, guys! (No screenshot, as no-one sent me one and I, tragically, missed the raid.)

We may not be able to kill his spirit, but his body’s another matter.

With the holiday season upon us, we’re taking a break from formal raiding, and throwing together a few ad-hoc 10-mans to gear up some new recruits. Monday nights saw a couple of teams taking a bash at Zul’Aman – which normally gets short shrift in the raiding schedule – for some troll-killing fun. And lo and behold, Akil’zon the Eagle Avatar took a dive. One of the more fun fights I’ve seen of late, in my opinion, and his loot tables are very shiny. (I may be biased, as his first loot drop was Amani Punisher, which went to lucky yours truly.) Our ad-hoc ten mans will continue until mid-January, when our Christmas break is over, and then we’ll throw ourselves back into 25-mans. We owe Void Reaver a beating – our first full night in Tempest Keep, last Sunday night (our last night of 25-mans for 2007), was very successful and saw us getting Void Reaver down to 1% on our final attempt. One measly percent! Beaten by respawns, we withdrew and promised VR some SW-style pain in the New Year… he’d better be ready for...