by Siha | Mar 19, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
A summary of the year to...
by Siha | Mar 19, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Two progression posts for the price of one! Last week it was Morogrim Tidewalker – first attempt saw him down to 24%, second attempt saw him dead. And this week it was Leotheras the Blind. Leo took a bit more work than some of the other Serpentshrine bosses, and we had some very near-successes in early attempts, but we finally pulled it all together last night to get him dead. That puts Southern Wardens at 4/6 SSC 3/4 TK. Not bad for less than two months’...
by Siha | Mar 5, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
With Al’ar dead and buried, heading on to say hello to Solarian was an offer we just couldn’t refuse. Monday night saw us encounter her for the first time, and what a fight! She and Al’ar are chalk and cheese – Solarian’s a fast-paced encounter with hair-trigger timing, and I think probably my favourite of the TBC bosses I’ve seen so far. Also, she’s dead easy and therefore easily deaded, which we achieved with ease after a few false starts involving people bombing the raid. After Solarian, we were going to head off to Serpentshrine for a farm boss or two when someone happened to mention that Doomwalker was up, over in Shadowmoon Valley. We strapped on our killing pants, and… well, I bet you can guess what came next. Doomwalker was our eighth guild first in 41 days, and a fun way to round off a very successful week of raiding. Next up,...
by Siha | Mar 3, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
For a while there, we were starting to feel like Al’ar was cursed. Twice, the server went down for an hour or more, and even when we weren’t jinxed by mis-timed exclamations of optimism about server health, we were plagued with disconnects and lag woes. Last night we overcame all of that to make Al’ar the Phoenix God our sixth new boss kill since Void Reaver in late January. Great work by all concerned, and congratulations to all on one of our most satisfying victories...
by Siha | Feb 28, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Doom Lord Kazzak is not only a nasty, ill-tempered and very violent demon, he’s not very pretty, to boot. Thankfully, we triumphed over shadowbolts, ill-timed add respawns, a pesky Horde mage trying to grief us, and Hellfire General Chat complaining about Kazzak’s zone-wide yelling fits… to put Kazzak in his place for another Wardens first kill. It’s been a good month! Congrats to Amandrah on the shiny new cloak, and Philos on his new sword. Here’s hoping we’ll get a chance to do it again before Patch 2.4 hits, his epics turn BoE and every guild in Outland turns up to farm him for AH profiteering. It was a fun learning experience, and we look forward to killing him...
by Siha | Feb 20, 2008 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
…to keep trotting past Hydross every week to get to Lurker. So we killed him. First night first kills are very satisfying! It took us a couple of wipes to get the transitions down pat, but a couple hours after setting foot in the zone Hydross lay dead at our feet. Great work from all concerned, and congratulations to Ursuron, Swen and Rotorua on their shiny new...