by Siha | Sep 30, 2011 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Since I last posted, we’ve finished off Baleroc, Alysrazor, and Majordomo Staghelm. That last kill was particularly enjoyable, as many of us have been waiting to punch Fandral Staghelm in the face since the earliest days of vanilla WoW. Now we’re settling down to work on Ragnaros, which looks like a fun, complex fight. More news as it comes to...
by Siha | Aug 27, 2011 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
…kicking the bosses in the face, that is. Look, let’s just admit out loud what we all already know: I’m not going to get those placeholders replaced with proper progression boss kill posts, complete with singing dancing screenshots. I’m just not. (I’m especially not since I’m lacking Photoshop after a reinstall, and won’t be acquiring it for another month or two yet.) So, where were we? Ah yes, butt-kicking for goodness all the way through Blackwing Descent and the Bastion of Twilight. It didn’t take us long to roll through BoT and BWD (having left Throne of the Four Winds on the backburner because, let’s face it, nobody likes that place), and we were on the verge of clearing both instances when Firelands snuck up and hit us when we weren’t looking. (It occurs to me, too, that I never actually posted when we hit Guild Level 25 back in early June. Belatedly, hooray! Mass Rez is very useful and finally gives us a reason to be happy the mages have escaped yet another wipe…) Despite Firelands making a valiant play for our affections, with its promise of delightfully incendiary loot and a healthy dose of nostalgia for Molten Core, we did find time in the schedule to polish off the remainder of the Tier 11 content; this would be the point in the post where I’d insert pictures of ten of us standing around looking heroic and shiny in front of various shapes and sizes of corpse. If I had them to post, that is. So, that’s where we stand; we’re currently enjoying the fruits of our Tier...
by Siha | Jun 22, 2011 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
…it’s just a placeholder, because I R Bad Guild Blogger. Since last update: * Maloriak down * Chimaeron down * Atramedes down * Twilight Council down Working on Cho’gall and Nefarian, and looking forward to Firelands! Recruitment-wise, we’re possibly in need of a ranged DPS or two, casters...
by Siha | Mar 23, 2011 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
We’ve had a few more fatalities, and accompanying shiny purples, since the last post. And now we’re spending some more time in Blackwing Descent, Sunday’s raid saw this: That puts us at 5/12 for Tier 11; Maloriak and Chimaeron are on...
by Siha | Feb 22, 2011 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
First raid boss deaths, that is. Wednesday night saw us excitedly traipsing off to Blackwing Descent to face Magmaw the Big Red Fire Worm as our first raid encounter since Deathchin broke the world. It took us a little while to get into the rhythm of things again, especially with the very revamped class mechanics that Cataclysm brought us. It didn’t take long for Magmaw to take a dive, though… …followed by Halfus on Sunday night, with extra-special congrats to Warnie for leading his first progression raid. In other news, we’re recruiting! We’re very close to having enough for 25s, and let’s face it, 25s are more fun than 10s! Expect a proper recruiting update shortly, but in the meantime, we’re particularly after healers and possibly some DPS for...
by Siha | Sep 16, 2010 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
…long live the King. Thankyou to everyone who got us here, both those who were there for the kill and those who missed out on the night. Great work from all...