by Siha | Feb 16, 2006 | Blog, Downloads, World of Warcraft
Originally posted by Pangur. Click on the images below for the full-size screenshots. Last night after a short ZG run, the fearless SW’s – ever thirsty for more glory – decided to explore the newly opened Gates of Ahn’Qiraj. After clearing the nasty spitting insectoid trash mobs (who moved really fast and were immune to any sort of freezing trap or slowing spell), we approached the valley where the first boss – Kurinnaxx – lay in wait. The mighty Verlyna and Torkya lined up to show the clackety beast who was boss, while Vikos The Mad pulled the creature back into range. Unfortunately, between the health-sucking quicksand and Kurinnaxx’s enraged state, our first attempt was a wipe. So was the second, but never a guild to give up, SW set about for a third try. With new tactics – tanks swapping agro between them, and everyone else at range in a semi circle keeping well away from the beast and the healers – we approached the overgrown earwig again. The new tactics worked brilliantly and finally we had success! Kurinnaxx admitted defeat and left us with worthy trophies – the Qiraji Martial Drape, Grimoire of Immolate VIII which went to Bellz, and Sand Reaver Wristguards which went to Kaasha. Overall a very fun night and a great look at a fantastic new dungeon. Group...
by Siha | Jan 29, 2006 | Blog, Downloads, World of Warcraft
Originally posted by Pangur. 1024×768 1152×8641280×960 1600×1200 1024×768 1152×8641280×960 1600×1200 1024×768 1152×8641280×960 1600×1200...
by Siha | Jan 28, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft
The whole guild has been touring the world lately – well, when there’s fifty elders to visit and fifty coins to collect, there’s no time to sit still! Meanwhile, the cities are filled with the sounds of fireworks. Lunar Festival emissaries – and lots of fireworks – in Ironforge’s Mystic Ward. The revellers in Moonglade – Forsaken and dwarves dancing side by side. Ah, the power of a good party… I had to sneak this one in here – a shot of the Barrens taken while Reshiko and Siha were gamely braving the Horde guards to reach the Elder in the...
by Siha | Jan 28, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft
Originally posted by Pangur. Siha and I joined a raid group today out at Moonglade to take on the quest doggy Omen – hound of doooom! The quest for him was Elune’s Blessing. Click the thumbnails for full-size screenshots. The beast approaches… The battle begins. People died a lot thanks to the nasty AOE, but enough of us stayed alive to wear him down… Close encounter of the demon dog-breath kind… And eventually victory! The aftermath. The quest item was a red crystal inside Omen’s stomach, and the rewards were Elune’s Lantern, Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack, 3 x solid stone and 95 silver. Apparently xp for some people was close to 10 000, so not a bad quest and a lot of fun to boot...
by Siha | Jan 21, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
What do you do when it’s a Friday night and you have a couple of handfuls of guildies and nothing to do? Zul’Gurub! That’s what you do. The first three bosses – High Priest Venoxis (Snake), High Priestess Jeklik (Bat) and the Bloodlord Mandokir – are all on farm status for us now, although it was a tough run tonight. A distinct lack of healer power will do that to you, it seems! However, we decided to go on and attempt Thekal, the tiger boss. I can see your house from here! In the distance lies Thekal, High Priest of the Tiger Aspect, and his two trollish minions. The few, the proud, the brave. Our ZG raiders get ready to take on Thekal. Hurry up and wait! All buffed up and nowhere to go – the raid just before launching our assault. Thekal pwned us, it must be said. But we got him down to a tiny sliver of health, perhaps 1%, with only two warriors and two priests in our raid – and none of us have ever seen him drop before. All in all, a good first...
by Siha | Jan 18, 2006 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Well, after months of slowly working our way through Molten Core, on Monday night we finally got to see Ragnaros himself. It’s a pretty spectacular event. Observing the battleground. The well-dressed elf to the right is Ushaia. Majordomo Executus summons his master, Ragnaros. (Not a wise move on his part, really, since Ragnaros is cranky and promptly squishes Executus.). Ragnaros is summoned! Note the teeny weeny little human in front of him… that would be Verlyna, our main tank. Ragnaros surveys the carnage. (There are 40 dead bodies out of the...