by Siha | Feb 4, 2009 | Blog, Guild News, World of Warcraft
Southern Wardens is recruiting! We are currently looking for: * 2x Ranged DPS – boomkin, elemental shaman, mage or shadow priest. * 1x Melee DPS – enhancement shaman, rogue or DPS warrior. Classes/specs not listed are not being sought; however, we will consider all applications except for tanking specs. About Us Southern Wardens is an Australian Alliance PvE guild on US-Proudmoore founded when WoW was launched. Our raiding team is progression-focused; although we’re not hardcore, we do take raiding seriously. We started our WotLK raiding in mid-January; we’ve cleared everything except Kel’thuzad and Malygos. We’re currently building our raiding force to finish off T7 content, work on Achievement progression, and prepare for the launch of Ulduar. Who We’re Looking For Our ideal raiders: – are serious about raiding, and willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed – are flexible and willing to accept feedback – are motivated to perform well, improve wherever possible, and stay informed about their class, spec, and the raiding game in general – are willing to debate cake vs pie, discuss the personal hygiene of gnomes, and blame the mage for every accidental pull Please note that we need at least 75% attendance at official raid nights – Sunday, Monday and Wednesday nights, from ~7pm AEST to ~11pm AEST, plus or minus for daylight savings. We’re looking, specifically, for people who are potentially interested in staying with us for the long haul. We don’t have much in the way of turnover, and many of our guildmembers have been with us for years. (We’re like the Hotel California, really.) What We Offer...
by Siha | Jan 30, 2009 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
This is a rather delayed progression post, but: Last Wednesday, we headed back to the Military Quarter and faced down the Four Horsemen. After a bit of tinkering most of our raid solved their constant disconnection problems (although our DK tank did wind up tanking Rivendare while mostly offline, which takes a special kind of gift) and it didn’t take long at all before the Four Horsemen gave way in front of our might. (Of course, then we had to beat the Chest Boss. What were Blizzard thinking?!) And this weekend we went back to Sartharion, intent on doing things the hard way. Coming shortly, recruitment news. Watch this...
by Siha | Jan 20, 2009 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
Sunday saw us taking a temporary break from slaughtering wave after wave of undead monstrosities to go and slaughter a dragon instead. Then we turned around and headed back to Naxxramas, to finish off Thaddius: and take a look at the Plague Quarter: Last night, we went back in to take a look at the Military Quarter. The pictures speak for themselves, really. We’d hoped to get the Four Horsemen down as well, and we’ve got the strat straight; once we can get a good attempt at them without a third of the raid DCing repeatedly, we’ll do just...
by Siha | Jan 13, 2009 | Blog, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
As an encore to last night’s fun in Heroic Naxxramas, we hit the ziggurat again tonight in search of shiny purples and the righteous glow of a good monster-slaying. Tonight’s target: the Construct Quarter. First up was Patchwork; we’d had a couple of shots at him last night, but didn’t have time to see him off properly. We rectified that tonight, one-shotting him as the first boss of the night. From there it was onto the Frogger Boss, where the unwary perish and we Australians are heard to curse our 300+ ms latency. Thankfully, the raid (mostly) survived our encounter with this brutal and unforgiving boss, and – suitably buoyed by our success – proceeded to one-shot Grobbulus as well. After Grobbulus lie the fearsome Ledge Boss and Pipe Boss, and we can proudly say we lost no-one to their lurking dangers. Well… almost no-one. After these hazards we made short work of Gluth, the Ugliest Puppy In The World. (The kill shot is framed against his side, because people felt both ends of him were too ugly to stand in front of.) Unfortunately we lacked the time to put Thaddius to rest as well, but I have no doubt we’ll finish him off just as soon as the raid masters the delicate art of running in circles around him. Watch this space for more corpses! (Theirs, not ours, we...
by Siha | Jan 12, 2009 | Blog, Guild News, World of Warcraft, WoW Progression
It’s been a while since Southern Wardens had any news to share with the world. After calling an early halt to TBC raiding, we took things easy until Wrath was released – alting it up, retro raids, PvPing our faces off, you know how it goes. That all changed with the release of Wrath of the Lich King. Everyone threw themselves into levelling with a vengeance, and our first group of level 80s have been laying waste to 10-man raid content for just over a month now. As planned, we fielded our first 25-man raid last night. Despite the new faces (and the fact that many of our group had never seen Naxxramas in any incarnation), the team did very well, clearing the Spider Wing with only a few wipes along the way. So, that’s the Spider Wing cleared – great work from all our team, and stay posted for more first kills coming soon to a Southern Wardens blog near...