Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Our progress in 25-mans has been slow to date, thanks to a tight schedule of raid times and a burning need to pillage Karazhan for all it’s worth (especially to help gear up our newer recruits), so we’ve not had much time to spend in working on Gruul. All that changed ten days ago, when our Gruul team ‘clicked’, and got him down to 7% before time constraints saw us off to Karazhan. We knew Gruul was not long for this world, the requisite saber-rattling threads were duly posted on our forums, and this Sunday we marched in there and splattered him. On grow 12, at that, which was very satisfying for our first kill. Next target: who knows? We’re currently still deciding between our options: Magtheridon? Hydross? Lurker Below? Void Reaver? More news as it comes to...

Maulgar down!

Sunday night saw our first whole-guild raid since The Burning Crusade launched, as we took a trip into Gruul’s Lair before our regular Karazhan raid. It took a few tries to adjust the pull, but after a few false starts we cleaned up Maulgar handily. Great work by all concerned, and congratulations to Swen and Amandrah on their shiny new Tier 4 shoulder...

Recruitment open!

We have two recruitment slots open at the moment: one main healer (holy paladin preferred) and one DPS/offhealer (shadow priest preferred). For more information, see the Recruitment page and the relevant public forum thread. We look forward to hearing from...

YouTube vids

A few dedicated Wardens have been recording some of our kills for posterity, and you can find them at YouTube. Vortron’s Team 1 videos are here, while you can find Laylah’s … interesting … perspective on Team 2...

N is for Netherspite and Nightbane

It’s been a busy few weeks! In the last two weeks we’ve had Team 1’s first Aran kill, Team 2’s first Aran kill, and now tonight Team 1 scored first kills on Illhoof and on the Prince himself. Congratulations to all involved for some great work! Screenshots to follow, if anyone remembered to take any. ;-) Next up: Nightbane and Netherspite! Not necessarily in that...