Welcome to the new southernwardens.com website!

Mind the rubble, it’s still construction time around here. The rest of the static site contents should go up shortly, and I will be going back re-inserting posts from previous content systems back into the database. We’ve changed back because Drupal was a) not secure enough, and b) massive overkill for what we wanted to do. Expect more content...

Download: Sunrise in Nagrand Wallpaper

Hope everyone’s had a great holiday season! We’ve been levelling ready for Burning Crusade raiding – look out for more news soon. In the meantime, here’s a wallpaper of beautiful Nagrand to enjoy. Widescreen wallpaper. Regular wallpaper. (Buy a widescreen monitor! You won’t regret...

Jewelcrafting Guide

I’ve had a lot of good feedback lately about the Jewelcrafting Guide I prepared to help people skill up in the new tradeskill come expansion time. A few people have mentioned that there are errors in the guide — I’m aware of most of them; the guide was correct when it was written, but since then Blizzard have changed the details of a number of recipes (eg changing the recipe’s materials or changing the skill level at which it drops from orange to yellow, etc). There’s no way I can recheck all the data in the guide without grinding another jewelcrafting character through the ranks, and I just don’t have enough materials to cover that. I’ll be releasing a final version of the guide shortly, hopefully this weekend, including all the updated information I’ve received. If you’ve spotted anything that needs fixing, now’s the time to contact me so I can include...


Originally posted by Simtr. Southern Wardens are looking for some extra raiders for 40 man content, specifically we’re in need of a couple of resto spec Druids and another raiding Pally. We have spots in raids right now for skilled and decently geared players who can attend 75% of the above raids. Please make sure you’re keyed for BWL, Naxx and Onyxia. Raid times are : Sunday 6:30pm AEDST – 11:30pm AEDST Monday 7:30pm AEDST – 11:30pm AEDST Thursday 7:30pm AEDST – 11:30pm AEDST To post an application, please visit our recruitment...

Sailan injured in Area-52 petting zoo accident

Originally posted by Alla. Guild officer and loot mistress Sailan was injured last week at the Area-52 Petting Zoo across the Dark Portal. Phyllixia, the guild PETA representative is investigating the incident. Area-52 agents report the incident took place while trying to mount one of the nether drakes for a test-flight. Senior Agent Qixil noted, “She was warned by the onlooking crowd that she saddled the mount facing the tail instead of the head.” One faithful prod of her newly installed mithril spurs sent her flying off the posterior of ‘Smokey’. Sailan is now resting in the recovery ward of SI:7 in Stormwind under the watchful eye of Doc Mixilpixil. “She should have a clean bill of health in a few days. She is quite the patient however – she refuses to lay down in my presence. Agents Pubert and Dromn seem to have spread misinformation amongst the guild that I don’t entirely understand.” Sailan stammered in the background, “I will NOT let you poke me with those needles! It’s just a broken leg!” The Southern Wardens, while shocked at the incident, wish Sailan a speedy...