Well, after a month of frustration caused by raid breaks, bugs, patches, bugs, numbers attrition, bugs, and all the other occasional slow patches that affect a raiding guild, this week’s work in Explosive Conflict was nothing short of excellent. Monday saw a 3% wipe on Kephess and substantial improvement in our execution on the other three bosses, and the team was eager for tonight.

After a nice smooth run through the first three bosses, we spent an hour working on Kephess before downing him on – as is traditional – the official Last Attempt Of The Night.
It was an excellent conclusion to a fun raid and a fun raid zone, and a very satisfying win. Thankyou to everyone for their persistence and hard work.
We’re also currently recruiting – we’re in particular need of:
- 1 healer
- 2-3 DPS (preferably ranged)
- possibly 1 tank
We’d prefer recruits in Columi-ish gear at least, but we’re willing to make exceptions.
Our priorities at this stage are smoothing out execution in Explosive Conflict, and progressing in Hard Mode EC. If you’re interested in joining us, please drop us a line on our recruitment forum. If you play in Aussie peak times and you’re on Dalborra, why not look us up? We’re friendly, and don’t bite!