As an encore to last night’s fun in Heroic Naxxramas, we hit the ziggurat again tonight in search of shiny purples and the righteous glow of a good monster-slaying. Tonight’s target: the Construct Quarter.
First up was Patchwork; we’d had a couple of shots at him last night, but didn’t have time to see him off properly. We rectified that tonight, one-shotting him as the first boss of the night.

From there it was onto the Frogger Boss, where the unwary perish and we Australians are heard to curse our 300+ ms latency. Thankfully, the raid (mostly) survived our encounter with this brutal and unforgiving boss, and – suitably buoyed by our success – proceeded to one-shot Grobbulus as well.

After Grobbulus lie the fearsome Ledge Boss and Pipe Boss, and we can proudly say we lost no-one to their lurking dangers. Well… almost no-one. After these hazards we made short work of Gluth, the Ugliest Puppy In The World. (The kill shot is framed against his side, because people felt both ends of him were too ugly to stand in front of.)

Unfortunately we lacked the time to put Thaddius to rest as well, but I have no doubt we’ll finish him off just as soon as the raid masters the delicate art of running in circles around him.
Watch this space for more corpses! (Theirs, not ours, we hope.)