Sailan injured in Area-52 petting zoo accident

Originally posted by Alla.

Guild officer and loot mistress Sailan was injured last week at the Area-52 Petting Zoo across the Dark Portal. Phyllixia, the guild PETA representative is investigating the incident. Area-52 agents report the incident took place while trying to mount one of the nether drakes for a test-flight. Senior Agent Qixil noted, “She was warned by the onlooking crowd that she saddled the mount facing the tail instead of the head.” One faithful prod of her newly installed mithril spurs sent her flying off the posterior of ‘Smokey’.

Sailan is now resting in the recovery ward of SI:7 in Stormwind under the watchful eye of Doc Mixilpixil. “She should have a clean bill of health in a few days. She is quite the patient however – she refuses to lay down in my presence. Agents Pubert and Dromn seem to have spread misinformation amongst the guild that I don’t entirely understand.” Sailan stammered in the background, “I will NOT let you poke me with those needles! It’s just a broken leg!” The Southern Wardens, while shocked at the incident, wish Sailan a speedy recovery.